It's been a while since we brainstormed but here's a good one. I love these antique newel post toppers. They belong to my friend Carol.
She says: They are approximately 6" high and 3 1/2" at their widest point across. Oh and their kinda heavy too. They were on stair posts inside homes. 3 were found in the US and 2 in the Paris flea market (I couldn't resist the green one!). Right now they are just sitting in the living room bookshelves waiting for me to figure out what to do with them. OK,OK....they have been sitting there for 4 years now!
Actually I love them just the way they are as decorative objects but after four years on display here are some options.
They could be mounted to a board and used as a coathanger or jewelry hanger.
You could just bring them to the table and mix them in among candle sticks. I bet they'd reflect light in a cool way.
I could see one as a paperweight, mounted onto a round board for added stability.
How about an awards ceremony à la the Oscars?! Best Crossbow Hunter. Best Laundry Folder. Best Mom. Best Beard. Best Dish Washer. Best Dog Walker. Name it and you've got the award!
As door knobs?
Or they could be used as handles for large boxes.
How about as curtain finials and/or tie backs?
Mount as many as you like on a shelf with pedestals and use as a hat stand.
I know your family's quite outdoorsy so how about a deluxe climbing wall in the back yard? Actually, I think that's it, Carol!
So anyway, these are our suggestions. Any other ideas to share with Carol? She's all ears and so are we!
This will actually be our last Brainstorm. Ten is such a nice and even number, don't you think?! We've really enjoyed the ride and hope it's triggered that "what else could I use this for" in you.
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