We’re still having the most amazing summer weather over here. It’s cooler (bordering on cold) at night and in the mornings but temperatures have been over 20 C during the days which is unusual for us in September.
1) I’m taking the opportunity to drink out of the droplet cups while Wille’s away.
2) We have Tivo! Yay, double yay!
3) First time at the gym on Sunday, hopefully nothing (read stupid feet) will stop me now!
4) Switching to fall mode, greens are being switched out to navy.
Also last week,I started renovating Wille’s closet doors and frame, sanding, filling and painting. Great to get it done while he’s away. Wille’s having the best time in Dublin by the way! Fun course, the nicest roommates at a great hostel, friendly Irishmen and Temple Bar’s apparently exceeded his expectations.
Have a good week!
Ha! The first thing I thought when I saw that cup was "that can NOT be very popular with Wille" :) Read an article on trypophobia just the other day, and someone mentioned a Surinam toad...and of course I had to google it...and regretted it greatly. If it's possible to give yourself a fear, I think I've done it!
Posted by: Judith | September 09, 2013 at 02:43 AM
Judith - I'll be sure NOT to Google that toad then :).
Posted by: Carlos | September 09, 2013 at 02:53 AM
Judith & Benita: Haha, I did! I am too curious! But of course I don't have trypophobia, which by the way must make him feel uneasy so frequently, since those type of patterns are part of every day life. I can somewhat relate, for I've got ornithophobia :). Too bad when I'm jogging in the park and a flock of doves sets to fly towards me. Really scary :s
Have a lovely week, girls!
Posted by: Amycapdet/May | September 09, 2013 at 03:46 AM
*gets to fly
Posted by: Amycapdet/May | September 09, 2013 at 03:49 AM
I had no clue there´s TIVO in Sweden - have to check that out. I remember seeing that on Oprah Winfrey´s show like a decade ago, thinking it was soooo cool..! :-D
I bet he loves Dublin! :-)
Posted by: tinajo | September 09, 2013 at 04:16 AM
tinajo - Com Hem offers Tivo to their existing customers right now. I got on the list early in the summer when it was first annuounced :). From what I understand it will be available more widely in the fall, still only by Com Hem though. I LOVE IT!
Posted by: Carlos | September 09, 2013 at 04:53 AM
Benita, I gave my parents a Tivo for their 60th wedding anniversary. Isn't that the traditional gift for the 60th? Actually, I did so because we loved ours so much and I wanted them to be able to record without the fuss of having to remember to put a tape in (and not worry about recording over something else they wanted to keep!). My father has since passed away--he lived until their 63rd--but my mother often comments about how she wonders how we ever did without the Tivo. I SO agree! And I'm so glad that you now have the opportunity to experience its benefits!
All of your other pictures convey neat stuff, too! Here's to good feet health! And here's to cooler days and the onset of Autumn/Winter! And I just went to The Temple Bar website; what a great gap-year Willie is in for! Prost to him and his hostel-mates!
Posted by: Peggy | September 09, 2013 at 12:43 PM
Så nyfiken, vad är tivo och vad är det för fobi som willie har?
Posted by: Anette Hansson | September 09, 2013 at 01:55 PM
Anette - Tivo har funnits länge i USA och är en inspelningbar TVbox som förutom att den spelar in sånt man väljer även spelar in tips baserat på sånt man gillat tidigare. Man kan "gilla" och "ogilla" med fjärrkontrollen och lär Tivon vad den ska spela in åt en och inte. Man kanockså söka och spara t ex skådisar, regissörer etc som man gillar och då spelar den in det där de är med, helt av sig själv. Galet mycket utrymme i hårddisken också. Dessutom kan man se YoutUbe och Play + att man kan hyra film via den. Strålande i min mening :)
Fobin Wille har är trypofobi men som jag brukar säga, varning, du kanske inte vet att du är känslig så googla INTE! Jag har bara en lätt släng av det men blir riktigt illamående av google-bilderna.
Posted by: Carlos | September 09, 2013 at 02:53 PM
Hm, what is Tivo? I guess something what has to do with tv, but since I watsch my tv like once every two month it seems I missed something...
Posted by: jja | September 10, 2013 at 06:44 AM
You can check out the US site in English here http://www.tivo.com/discover. Our Swedish version is slightly different though but the general idea is the same.
Posted by: Carlos | September 10, 2013 at 07:51 AM
Hi Benita, Glad your son is enjoying Dublin - I am from London but have lived just outside Belfast (Northern Ireland) now for 10 years - it is also a fantastic city, if he has time he should check it out. Have been following your blog for an age now - it just gets better and better!
Posted by: CraftyMother | September 10, 2013 at 11:01 AM