So yesterday was all about Wille’s shopping but I also had a short list of some stores I wanted to visit in New York. One being Jonathan Adler. I love his stuff when he does it in his house but once in the store I couldn’t really find anything reasonably priced or packable to bring home. I had hoped to get the zebra dish but it was out of stock in navy so I ended up getting this instead. Kind of a boring purchase in retrospect and I should just have left empty handed.
While Wille’s mission on this trip was to get some sunglasses mine was to get a new bag. I didn’t. I did look and for a moment considered this one by Diane von Furstenberg but it didn’t really tick that many of my boxes so I left it. This btw is the only photo of me in New York. Me in Soho, the proof I was there! Oh and that’s not me being dusty or the bag being dirty, it’s a smudged mirror at Bloomingdales.
One purchase that was on my list I did make was this set of Philosophy scents. I’m trying to find “my” scent and have wanted to try these for a while. The link goes to Amazon but I got my set at Sephora for less.
I love American bookstores. The ones over here are nothing like them. For these past two trips to New York a very sweet reader, Donna, has insisted on sending me gift cards at Barnes & Noble. How kind is that? This time I got the new Kate Spade book and some magazines. All very inspiring! Thank you SO much Donna!
The reason for our visit to Williamsburg was actually to check out Beacon’s Closet, a large vintage store there. As we realized we didn’t have much time in Williamsburg we kind of browsed really quickly and didn’t get anything but if you go there and have more time on your hands it’s well worth a visit!
Clothing wise I didn’t get a whole lot in New York but I did get a new pair of navy sneakers.
My best purchase though was this blanket at Church Street Surplus. It’s itchy and wooly and I LOVE its military history. I did some googeling and found out that the Peekskill Military Academy closed in 1968 so this blanket’s probably around my age or older.
Bonus loves it too.
Hope find your scent! My favourite is pure grace.. I wear it every day
Posted by: Alan | April 17, 2013 at 02:04 AM
That's the only photo of you in NY? Seriously? I must love myself a lot because I gotta get in the shot sometimes during my travels - even if it's a selfie (helps to have long arms).
I love your blanket.
Posted by: Susan | April 17, 2013 at 02:18 AM
Ooooh, love ANYTHING Kate Spade....:))
Well done for not being tempted to buy things just because you were there!
I also rather like all this navy that is creeping in LOL
Posted by: MelD | April 17, 2013 at 03:02 AM
great pics Benita, thanks for sharing! i love your outfit with the new sneakers - what grey sweater top/dress is that? looks lovely!!!
Posted by: claudia | April 17, 2013 at 03:03 AM
GAAAH - I long SO much for my Chicago trip this fall, I have so much shopping I need to get done! :-D First however, a trip to Paris tomorrow - I think I´ll manage to do a little shopping there as well..! ;-)
Posted by: tinajo | April 17, 2013 at 03:12 AM
I liked all your NY posts very much! Thanks for sharing :-) (and thanks for helping me to convince my daughter NY is an awesome place to visit... she had a strange bias agains it!)
I love aswell your grey dress... comfy and lovely,
Of course, Bonus couldn't miss where is a good and warm spot! :-D
Posted by: Anna | April 17, 2013 at 04:07 AM
It's this one:
Those leggings and that sweater dress is what I wear all the time on weekends at home. I have two of the grey and two of the blue. People must think I never change my clothes :). I love it (them) because of its pockets and the fact that it's heather grey (and blue...) and that it's like a long sweatshirt basically.
Posted by: Carlos | April 17, 2013 at 04:24 AM
I giggled at your comment about your proof of being in NY. I don't like having my picture taken and you so sounded like me! I see a camera point at me, I pretty much dodge it. Hmmm, I wonder if thats a Sagittarian thing. Anyway, if interested, you can take the itchyness out of the wool blanket by using either white vinegar or hair conditioner ... at least that's what I've read in several mags. Totally love your gray tunic with the leggings. Wish it was an American site. Oh btw, if you would like to try a nice clean/soft cologne/perfume, try CKBe by Calvin Klein. I often get compliments on the fresh clean fragrance.
Posted by: Sandy (USA) | April 17, 2013 at 09:44 AM
Shopping while on vacation is always tricky - no matter how much you LOVE something, it's always in the back of your mind that you have to get it home! I try to leave a little bit extra room in my bag, but alas, sometimes that's just not enough!
Posted by: Heather P. | April 17, 2013 at 10:03 AM
Ooh, I'll check that out!
Posted by: Carlos | April 17, 2013 at 10:08 AM
Maybe to try niche parfums? Some fresh and clean is Aqua Universalis (beautiful parfum interpretation von Frische und Reinheit - as they say). It is from Francis Kurkdjians.
Mainstream in the same directions I had: Lancome green De L'Orangerie, Prada Infusion d´Iris, Bvlgari Omnia Green Jade, Estee Lauder Pure White Linen, I even had from Clean their parfum Clean Cotton but people kept asking who washed the laundry in the office LOL
I know you didn't even say what are you searching for, but I imagine you in some fresh, clean scents...
Will you review the book?
Your blanket looks great! Could it be washed in the washing machine?
Posted by: jja | April 17, 2013 at 11:00 AM
Total score on the blanket! I'm surprised the Jonathan Adler store is so cluttered and full, so opposite of the website-- but my kind of eye candy. :) Interesting that American bookstores are so different than what you have at home, and super sweet of Donna to send you gift cards. It seems you've been looking for a new bag for a while now. Sorry you didn't find it in NYC. Like Wille's sunglasses, I'm sure it will present itself to you soon!
Posted by: Lisa | April 17, 2013 at 11:16 AM
Your trip looked like fun!
perfume: I have worn Pure Grace (by Philosophy) for eight years. It has this clean, fresh fragrance that works well with my body chemistry, and I picked it up because the aroma reminded me of Dawn Dishwashing Detergent! (a friend tried Pure Grace but it didn't work for her). I get compliments all the time about how pretty I smell - then they say "You smell great all the time!" and I know it's the Pure Grace perfume they're talking about!
Have you tried any of the scents yet that you bought?
I too love your dress and leggings outfit. Comfy and chic!
Posted by: sunny | April 17, 2013 at 11:33 AM
The Philosophy perfumes are really delightful. I don't where it every day, but when I do, it's usually a guarantee that someone will say I smell nice. :)
P.S. The blanket rocks!
Posted by: C.E.R. | April 17, 2013 at 11:48 AM
Love the blanket! For perfume, check this!
Posted by: m.e. | April 17, 2013 at 01:00 PM
You answered my question about the tunic. I would live in this too.
Posted by: Donna | April 17, 2013 at 02:25 PM
Thanks I'll check some of those out, scents are tricky with me, what I love on others smells horribly stinky on me.
I 'm not planning on reviewing the book. It's basically "just" a compliation of mages a items that inspire the teamat Kate Spade. Almost scrap book like, with color themes and so on. I find it really inspiring.
The blanket has already been in the machine on the wool setting and no problems :)
Posted by: Carlos | April 17, 2013 at 02:58 PM
It was kind of a small space with a lot of stuff at JA :).
Posted by: Carlos | April 17, 2013 at 02:59 PM
I have tried them all but I'm kind of surprised how discreet the scent is. I can't really tell myself that I'm wearing any. Will have to ask someone if they can smell it on me or else I might splash on too much where I can't smell it and everyone else goes Whoa when I enter the room :).
Posted by: Carlos | April 17, 2013 at 03:01 PM
Peekskill! I moved to Peekskill a couple of months ago and am entirely amazed by the history here. Every couple of weeks I seem to stumble upon another interesting tidbit about the town's rich past. It is very cool that you got to take home a relic :-)
Posted by: Emily | April 17, 2013 at 03:24 PM
Go Peekskill!
Posted by: Carlos | April 17, 2013 at 03:49 PM
I'm so glad you remembered to bring something back for Bonus. Hopefully he will share it with Mini. :)
Posted by: Josseline | April 17, 2013 at 11:06 PM
I thought Domino had folded years ago! Is it back, or was that an old issue?
Posted by: Miltoncat | April 17, 2013 at 11:17 PM
They have brought back "special issues". I didn't keep my Dominos but it appears to be mosty "old" material presented in a different way + a few things that seem to be new (or that I don't remember).
Posted by: Carlos | April 18, 2013 at 02:26 PM
I'll be curious how you like Amazing Grace...I absolutely love the "Love, Sweet, Love" in the same line, but it seems like the scent disappears immediately.
Posted by: Vicki K | April 18, 2013 at 11:22 PM
Vicki - Amazing Grace is OK. It's not a favorit and the scent does dissappear SO quickly.
Posted by: Carlos | April 19, 2013 at 03:03 AM
Love that Jonathan Adler Sheetgs
By the way i love your blog :)
Posted by: Kosia (Soronko Style Decor & Lifestyle Blog) | April 25, 2013 at 02:05 PM