I was asked a while back how I organize my stationery, cards, envelopes and such. Here's how and where.
I keep cards with envelopes together with the card under the flap.
I cut dividers out of card stock to separate thank you cards from holiday cards etc. Postcards without envelopes are behind their own divider. I keep them all in a tin box. I'm lucky because at work we get sent samples from India and they are often sent in these tin boxes and they usually get tossed but I rescue them. Taking all the tape and tape residue off is one heck off a job but it's worth it because they are so useful.
Envelope without cards I keep in a glass container originally meant for the fridge in the olden days. Besides from the tins I also love these square glass containers. Also so incredibly useful and practical.
I love the way I can use the cards and envelopes to change the mood of the home office. Check out the pink version and the yellow version. I simply switch the front cards or envelopes in the containers to create a different mood and pick out a few more items that match. So simple and effective.
Oh, if you feel like it you can pop over to the Design Public Blog Hatch where they are having an Organization blog-fest in January and I'm participating with a guest post.
If you're interested in the items I mention in the post over at Hatch you can find them here.
Thank you Benita - wonderful and easy solutions! The card stock divider idea is brilliant.
Posted by: Jean | January 06, 2009 at 02:54 PM
I love how the stationery adds to the decor! I've been putting mine file-sytle in pretty map-covered boxes, but this may win out (and will let me hide other, less pretty items in the pretty boxes).
Thanks for sharing!
Posted by: Melissa of {craftgasm} | January 06, 2009 at 03:03 PM
That's file-style, by the way -- meaning like you show, with dividers and things.
Posted by: Melissa of {craftgasm} | January 06, 2009 at 03:04 PM
Must be something in the air - I went through my present/card drawer and had to pop to my local bookshop to stock up on cards today. I'd love to have a correspondence corner just like you - it looks so serene!
Posted by: Cat | January 06, 2009 at 03:42 PM
Har precis spenderat en hel timme på Flickr och tittat genom dina bilder. Helvete, helvete, helvete vad ont jag har i magen nu över all min OREDA! Åh gudars, gudar - HUR gör du??! Jag är nästan inte värdig att överhuvudtaget läsa din blogg mer... hjälp!
Kram Jenny
Posted by: Lilla huset på prärien | January 06, 2009 at 04:32 PM
What a clever idea, to use the cards/envelopes as part of your decor!
I immediately thought of copying the idea, but soon realized I prefer my stuff behind closed doors or inside boxes. I organized my cards and envelopes just last weekend, decided to keep them in an old file-box, although it is rather big... At this moment I don't have any other boxes available.
I covered the box with the same paper as I used on the shelves inside that closet. The box and shelves now match very nicely.
I like the look of your boxes a lot though, with all the cards and envelopes lined up neatly...
Posted by: Petra from the Netherlands | January 06, 2009 at 05:27 PM
Åhh Benita! Sådant här älskar jag!! Jag vet inte vad det är med kuvert, papper och kort men jag går igång på det!
När jag var liten så köpte pappa alltid brevpapper till mig på sina utlandsresor. Och han reste mycket i jobbet! Jag och mina kompisar bytte brevpapper med varandra, så som andra gjorde med bokmärken. Nu ska jag minsann leta upp mina gamla brevpapper! Dom ligger nerpackade i någon kartong någonstans. Jag har inte hunnit organisera all kartonger än... Men det kommer! ;-)
Posted by: Hummmlan | January 06, 2009 at 06:40 PM
Can you tell me about your stapler? I saw it on the show Dexter and have been interested in it ever since and then I saw it on your shelf today.
Posted by: mel | January 06, 2009 at 08:34 PM
Thanks for this post! It inspired me to organize my cards and stationery. I don't have the space to do what you did, but I covered a small box with a map to match a theme I have in my living room (specifically on the bookshelf where the cards will live) and it looks great! I used card stock dividers also and it definitely helps with both the aesthetic and the organization. Thanks so much!
Posted by: Karen | January 07, 2009 at 02:16 AM
Seriously, YOU are my Martha Stewart! I have been reading this blog since day one and everything you share is so inspiring. Thanks for being you, Benita! <3
Posted by: Skye | January 07, 2009 at 10:12 AM
Benita, I love this topic! Stationary is my biggest weakness. I had to stop buying it cold-turkey because otherwise I buy too much! I've found that, since friends and family know that I love it, I always (happily) receive it as gifts, too. The positive side of having too much, though, is that it just means that it is time to write letters and notes to friends - and then maybe get a letter in return! That's the best part. My cards and stationary are kept in a cloth box on a shelf, along with other cloth boxes, so that it blends in. I needed a bigger box because of the letter-size paper. I wish that I had a small box like you!
Posted by: Lizzy | January 07, 2009 at 10:45 AM
I'm waiting patiently for your book!! And just want to let you in on my secret for removing tape and stickers... Heat them with your hairdryer for about a minute and they'll usually peel right off. Thanks for your great site!!!!!
Posted by: Sara | January 07, 2009 at 02:21 PM
Jenny, du är för rolig :)
Mel, Martin has had it for more than 20 years, since before we met... I researched it and found it here http://mydeco.com/product/el-casco-stapler/0a10a1c23008bf4362d6525fa9f4d7bc51cf33a5/ Crazy expensive!!! It is nice though... Glad my husband has such great taste
Posted by: Carlos | January 07, 2009 at 05:40 PM
INSPIRATIONAL post....makes me want to but some cute and colorful paper too!
Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
Posted by: JENNIFER RAMOS | January 07, 2009 at 06:48 PM
thank you so much for finding this out for me, it is so cool :)
Posted by: mel | January 07, 2009 at 07:37 PM
Oh this is such a cute idea. I have stationery all over the place as I am a stationery nut (I buy vintage cards from thrift stores because back then they were so cool with sweet sentiments) and have snailmail penpals. I also make my own with collaged fronts.
Mine all aren't so pretty together though as it is a mishmash of sizes and designs. I keep them in shoe boxes...can we say UGLY!!
Posted by: Christine | January 08, 2009 at 10:10 AM
I wonder where went my comment? Maybe you know?
Posted by: jja | January 08, 2009 at 02:44 PM
Sara, thanks for the hair dryer tip! Excellent!!!
Posted by: Carlos | January 09, 2009 at 08:17 AM
what a great solution and it's so simple! I really had to wag my head and marvel why I didn't strike on that idea. It's so simple and so effective. I really like the way you change your working place with just some little pieces. It looks the same but at the same time totally different because of just some blotch of colour. Fantastic!
By the way: I'm looking forward to your book, too. ;)
Posted by: Franziska | January 11, 2009 at 06:27 AM