As I was clearing out the storage room a few weeks ago I found some drafts and the final product of a calendar Martin designed in 2000. Martin incorporated all of Wille's soft toys (and mine, the bunny is my Molly) in the design and of course couldn't resist adding some six meter yachts in there too...
I also found this :)
Wille was 6 years at the time and sat next to Martin as he drew. I think Martin helped out with the tree but everything else is by Wille. It's so cute!
My, that calendar is amazing. Was it for personal use or is it actually in print somewhere? I see the calendar is 2001, the year my first was born.
Posted by: Tanna | May 22, 2008 at 01:48 PM
Maj gadd! Rena konsten! Så kul att de är så duktiga!
Posted by: Lindzi | May 22, 2008 at 02:07 PM
A interesting comparison! Great work!
Posted by: Diana | May 22, 2008 at 03:12 PM
Tanna, the calendar was actually in print in 2001. There's a new edition every year by a differernt artist and it's a little bit like an advent calendar. You get to tear off a piece every week and the pictures underneath show something seasonal, like an easter egg during the week of easter, a heart around Valentines day and so on.
Posted by: Benita | May 23, 2008 at 03:26 AM
I love that calendar! I really like to be able to see the first draft of projects. It makes the viewer get more in touch with the final result, with the person that created it, to understand where it comes from.
And the drawing from your boy is pretty good too.
A very talented family indeed!
Posted by: Nicky | December 31, 2008 at 07:33 AM